Peas In Our Pod

Sunday, January 27, 2008

an evening of mixed emotions

Tonight our beloved prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away.

He has been our prophet since I was twenty, or maybe nineteen but I'm too tired to do the math. Some years ago after reading his biography Go Forward With Faith, I gained such an appreciation for him, his sacrifices, his willingness to serve and for his a lifetime of what seemed like preparation for his service as our Prophet. What an amazing man. I'm so grateful to him for his selfless service, his love for members of our church and his optimism. I remember going to a session of General Conference in October 2001, weeks after 9/11. I remember feeling scared because he mentioned at the end of the session that he had just been handed a note that a U.S. missile attack was underway. But then he ended saying this:

"Let us be prayerful. Let us pray for righteousness. Let us pray for the forces of good. Let us reach out to help men and women of goodwill, whatever their religious persuasion and wherever they live. Let us stand firm against evil, both at home and abroad. Let us live worthy of the blessings of heaven, reforming our lives where necessary and looking to Him, the Father of us all. He has said, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). Are these perilous times? They are. But there is no need to fear. We can have peace in our hearts and peace in our homes. We can be an influence for good in this world, every one of us."

We will miss our dear prophet, but are happy that he had such a long and full life. Most of all, we are happy that he is reunited with his loved ones—especially his dear, sweet wife. As one of my favorite hymns sings, "God be with you til we meet again."