Peas In Our Pod

Friday, August 03, 2007

dave's Hives

Many of you already know this, but some of you may not know this about Dave. Prepare yourself.

He used to have his own daily comic strip in The Daily Universe while we were at BYU. It was called Hives.

This was one of the first things I remember about him. We were in the same student ward at BYU, but I was shy and didn't have roomates that went to church so I didn't know too many people in our ward. I was constantly asked if I was new because I wasn't social with our ward for the first year I was there. One thing I remember though was reading an article in The Daily Universe about this guy in my ward, Dave Lesue, BYU's resident cartoonist. I was impressed and also remember it being mentioned that he loved (and still does) Volkswagens. In fact, a few months into the fall semester of my first year in the ward, I was stopped in the hallway of Courtside apartments by this guy on crutches who asked me if I drove a VW bug. I responded in the affirmative (good ol' "Betty", a '74 Beetle that had been driven by five of us seven kids). But that was the only interaction that we had for about a year. He claims to have had a crush on me in the summer when I had my crazy blonde highlights but I'll never know for sure.

The next fall (my second year in the ward), he started his comic strip, I got a new roomate, starting attending social events for our ward, and learned how to flirt thus resulting in being asked out by Mr. Dave Lesue. And the rest is history.

His comic strip has always been something that I admired. It was something that he had wanted to do since he was a kid and it was also a lot of hard work on his part that paid very little. It ran for one full year, fall semester of 2000 through the end of summer term of 2001. And for years after it stopped running we still met people that remembered and loved it. He would often include hidden messages to people as well as logos of things he loved. I love to get them out every now and then and marvel at his talent, his wit, his sense of humor and relish in the fact that he's my guy. I am one lucky girl, if i do say so myself.

Here's a little sample for your enjoyment (click them to see larger, more legible versions).

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Blogger Brooke said...

dave, you are so talented! i wish syndication on you someday.

this was a lovely post.

8/04/2007 6:52 AM  
Blogger David Lesue said...

I'm a little embarrassed of these now—especially the illustrations. It was weird—over the course of that year, I became a better illustrator from all the practice, but the jokes were less and less funny. It was like I only had so many good ones in my brain and I exhausted the reserve within a couple of months.

That's one thing I learned from the experience. Being funny is hard. Being funny everyday single day is a lot harder.

I guess that's two things.

8/04/2007 8:09 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

I love Hives! Holly, I just can't picture you being shy, roommates do make a huge difference though.

8/04/2007 8:25 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Those are great! I love the illustrations - the expressions on the faces match the words so well!

8/04/2007 5:06 PM  
Blogger jane Cobber said...

Dave is so funny! I love his sense of humor as seen in Hives and on the blog at times:) The only downside to the comic strip is that Holly said she thought the Astronomy Club still remembers Dave (who knew they had a sense of humor enough to read comic strips?)and she didn't want to stir up any "memories" by asking them if we could come to the show they put on....Ah well, the price of fame:)

8/04/2007 9:03 PM  
Blogger James and Natalie said...

I love the UVSC one because quite often the truth is funnier than anything someone could make up. The upside-down visor is a nice touch. I always thought the strip was great and was bummed when you stopped doing it.

8/05/2007 5:38 AM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Wow! That is incredible. What a talented guy :)

8/05/2007 12:35 PM  
Blogger courtneyb said...

i never knew. yeah, i would be pretty proud also! that's cool.

8/05/2007 5:57 PM  
Blogger James said...

Great post indeed...all I know is that Matt and I combined don't have a fraction of Dave's creative talent. However, that didn't stop us from getting our own cartoon published..remember that?! All inspired by 'what's his name' that appeared day after day with the most horrible sketches imaginable (besides ours, of course).

8/06/2007 11:03 PM  

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