Peas In Our Pod

Saturday, September 08, 2007

lessons learned on a saturday

  1. Avoid making donations to D.I. on Saturdays at all costs. The lines are long and the cars are full.

  2. If, due to circumstances or spouses beyond your control, you do find yourself in the D.I. donation lines on a Saturday, steer clear of the so-called "Express Lane - For Small Items" and head instead for the "Truck Lane - For Large Items." It turns out that those small items are surrounded by hundreds of other small items crammed into dozens of 50 gallon trash bags that line the airplane hanger-esque interiors of Ford Excursions and Chevy Suburbans. Meanwhile, the large items—single chairs and weed eaters—sit alone in the backs of open-bed pickup trucks.

  3. BYU needs to fully invest in a punter.

  4. If you're a fan of Fergie's Big Girls Don't Cry, don't worry about buying it—there's no need. Any time you want to listen to it, at any hour of the day, just tune your radio to any north american station. It will be on.

  5. If you're shopping for groceries in preparation for Sunday dinner with your parents, remember to ask yourself (or, more productively, your wife) if there's anything else you need before leaving the store. If you don't, you will find yourself returning to that store at 10:38 p.m.

  6. When you get ready to make that late-night grocery run, remember to take your wallet with you. If you don't, you will find yourself returning home for it at 10:45 p.m.

  7. Those new mini shopping carts at Maceys are a lot of fun, but be warned that you're going hit your shins on that bottom bar. You just are.

  8. And finally, it appears that eleven month-old girls can go from being one-step non-walkers to ten-step living room cruisers in just one Saturday.


Blogger Katrina said...

Ha ha ha!

You're a good man for braving Macey's TWICE that late on a Saturday night!

9/09/2007 6:35 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

Sounds like a fun Saturday. I hope your Sunday is much more relaxing.

9/09/2007 2:53 PM  
Blogger Brooke said...

walking? oh gwennie! that's so exciting!

9/09/2007 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, as they say: "You're the man!"

And, we are so sad we missed the full-on-begin-to-walk. She was so determined we knew it wouldn't be long. Just think, there will be three little ones toddling along soon. (Okay, Tori, your turn.)

9/09/2007 8:15 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

That was so funny, and I love the new look of your blog!

I have also learned that when you are making the Saturday late night grocery run you will inevitably run into someone from your ward and the conversation will ALWAYS start with, "Doing last minute shopping for Sunday dinner?"

9/09/2007 9:03 PM  
Blogger cori said...

that all sounds SO familiar. can i tell you to. i know you listen to "the shins" and speaking of "shins" beware of razor scooters. when you pick them up to move them, because kids ALWAYS leave them on the ground, because they don't come equipped with a kick stand. they will kill your shins when they go around and wack you. oh and your ankles. you will cry. watch out!

9/10/2007 4:14 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Good job Gwen!!! (especially with the degree of difficulty of the peculiar starting position your parents put you in. Also, the embarrassment of the topless version).

Tori won't be joining the walking club anytime soon--we're looking forward to but mostly dreading the day she becomes even more mobile than her lightning fast (and hilarious) 'elephant seal scoot.'
Attempts to have her stand and walk so far have been met with divaesque disinterest. We were looking at pictures last night of the boys each walking around 10 months or so and remembered how eager they were to do it. Funny how kids can be so different.

9/11/2007 8:31 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

Dave, I can't believe that even after my warning you STILL hit your shins on the little Macey's cart! They are so cool and cute, but they'll give you bruises every time.

It's a love-hate relationship.

And I would like to add that something worse than hearing Fergie's song every time you turn around is listening to college girls sing it at the grocery store. No wait. Even worse than that would be me belting it out in the car.

It's a love-hate relationship

9/11/2007 9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... show how outdated I am, I didn' have any idea who Fergie was until I saw a clip about the awards ceremony (can't remember if she was there or not according to the clip). Well, actually, I think the ONLY name I recognized as a music group/person was Justin Timberlake. Obviously, I recognized a lot of names, but only as terms, expressions, or WHATEVER else they really mean. Now, really: black-eyed peas, etc., etc. ???? Do they just look around them or blindly point to something to choose their names, or see it on a truck going by? I know, I know, this has been going on for years.

9/12/2007 1:25 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

We named our band in college "ADAM." I'd like to say it was for some witty reason related to the original man, but it was because we went to a movie once at Movies 8 and a girl walked in 10 minutes into the movie and yelled "Adam...Adam?...ADAM!!!...Adam?" for like two minutes. We thought it was funny so we started randomly yelling ADAM at different public gatherings and it became a running joke (a stupid one, with no meaning). Then when we formed a band, it was the obvious choice. Also, our second choice was "Satan's All Night Rock and Roll Party Train" and we didn't think that would play well in Provo.

9/12/2007 7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hey hey Black Eyed Peas is one of my favorite groups Mom. To edumicate you Fergie is actually from BEP well, she jumped on in their booming popularity in the early 1000's and has since gone her own way writing songs like Big Girls Don't Cry, which thanks to her I can hear Holly sing all day long as I live beneath her. Hahaha jk

9/14/2007 3:30 PM  

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