Peas In Our Pod

Friday, October 10, 2008

random thoughts on a friday afternoon

1. I am currently in LOVE with Adele and her song "Crazy for You." I am crazy for it, I am crazy for her voice and I'm crazy for her (she's British, so it's not suprising that I love her). Just push play and listen as you read this post. You will love it. If you don't love it, then I'm sorry you have such horrible taste and I'm breaking up with you.

Also, her song "Chasing Pavement" should be in a Bridget Jones movie.

2. My excitement for the Fall season has worn off a bit today because I have been freezing and my toes and fingers have hypothermia.

3. I really, really, really want to be moved into our new house already. Really.

4. Why didn't I win the $10,000 giveaway at IKEA?! That would make our remodeling a cinch. I'm really mad at IKEA about it, even though I still love it deep down.

5. I am sad we sold my car and I really miss it. Am I too materialistic?

6. Why is Inez obsessed with "Maaw-ffa Stu-whet" a.k.a. Martha Stewart? (more on this later)

7. How in the world am I going to help Dave figure out his Halloween costume for work? All I have so far is that he will be wearing brown or olive-green tights, and he doesn't even know about that yet.

8. Dave wants to get AppleTV when we move instead of cable or dish. Would it really be better and cheaper? The jury is still out on this one.

9. I'm trying to sell our double jogging stroller so that I can upgrade to a BOB. Am I too materialistic?

10. Why does it take Inez SO LONG to eat her food? Doesn't she know all the fun she is missing out on while she sits there for AN HOUR at the kitchen island?

11. I feel like snuggling down with the girls to watch Ichabod Crane and drink some hot cocoa.

12. I love Gwen's two most common Halloween words, "Cumkin" and "Neskin" for pumpkin and skeleton, respectively.

13. Tonight will be night #3 where I have to put the girls down while Dave is working on freelance c-r-a-p (out of the home), trying to finish up a project that has been going for over a year. It's supposed to be done tonight and if it's not someone's head will roll.

14. What can I do to motivate myself to read the Book of Mormon? And why is this such a struggle for me? Is it because I'm too materialistic?

15. Inez just ate the caramel off her caramel apple. If I knew she was going to do that, I would have just given her a little bowl of caramel. It would have been a lot less trouble for both of us.

16. Gwen will not nap for me today. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! Okay, not really. But it is a bit frustrating.

17. I am so cranky and tired these days. I don't know what my problem is and if you ask Dave, he probably won't deny it. That's how bad I've been.

18. Why is that show The Doodlebops on tv? How is it on tv? Who pays for it to be on tv? Who likes it? Who writes it? Why? I'm so puzzled.

19. I bought really, really cute fabric today to make a quilt for Gwen's new room. Her room is orange and almost everyone thinks I'm crazy for doing that. But I really like the color so I hope that this quilt will tie into the color of her room well.
Previously, there have been two sad and unsuccessful attempts involving myself and quilt pieces. It was not pretty. This time around, I have hope, a pattern and more sewing skillz. So wish me luck.

Cute, huh?

20. Happy Birthday to Erin J. and James W., two of our favorite people.

*Update on Gwen's nap rebellion: she is fast asleep. Hallelujah.


Blogger Karissa and Mik said...

please tell me thats farmers market or ginger blossom fabric?! i just bought some as well and im so excited! although im not planning on tackling a quilt just yet, just pillows for go girl!

10/10/2008 4:21 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

karissa, some of it is farmer's market. i think there's also some heather bailey. i went in search of amy butler, but liked these colors and designs more.

10/10/2008 4:26 PM  
Blogger cori said...

i am crazy for adele too! i think we might related.

i am crazy for that fabric. i can't wait to see your quilt. i have a pile of fabric i am waiting to make something magical.

10/10/2008 4:31 PM  
Blogger Jiles Pfamily said...

thanks for the bday wish! i think you should listen to the book of mormon on your ipod while you are working on your house cause then you could finish the book of mormon and have inspiration on what to do and how to do it :)also, we missed you guys tonight

10/10/2008 9:27 PM  
Blogger Katrina said...

Dear Holly,

I'm sorry I've not responded to your e-mail until now. I would love to get together. I'm currently bed-ridden, but hope to be in the land of the living before too long. I just need some sympathy.

I don't think you're too materialistic. Well, maybe a little. I have a hard time reading the BOM on a consistent basis as well, and I have to teach S.S. I think it's called being a mom and having a fried brain. But I do love the BOM, and I have good intentions. Sometimes you just do what you can. Your fabric is really cute. And I want some details about your house and what you guys are doing to it!


10/11/2008 9:25 AM  
Blogger James said...

Thank you for the birthday shout-out. And, I would be more than happy to collaborate on Dave's brown/olive-green tights costume - as long as I get to see pictures, a la Jack Skellington.

10/11/2008 3:52 PM  
Blogger James said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10/11/2008 3:52 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

holly! i love you! i love how you write... like you have a machine that gets wavelengths from my brain and you type them on your blog! we truly live a somewhat synchronized life! i love your blog baby! oh and tar final? we are so there! you better not back out of it! :)

10/12/2008 10:44 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

Holly - all I have to say about this postt is... I. Love. You. That's it....

10/16/2008 10:13 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I love Adele. The Chasing Pavement video rocks. And love the BOM ipod idea. And And love the fabric. You should make me a quilt while you're at it. Gigi got a kick out of your pics. Why do you need to add to the brown/green tights? That sounds like a scary costume right there! Oh, and about the caramel apple, my friend Adhis has an awesome recipe on her blog where you get a fruit baller thing and dip apple pieces in caramel instead of the whole thing. Genius. There's a link to her blog from mine. I'd link it here, but I'm too lazy.

10/23/2008 2:05 PM  

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