Peas In Our Pod

Thursday, July 27, 2006

princess nezzie

Today I got out this hand-me-down princess dress for Nezzie from Aunt Carol. I used to think I wouldn't let my daughter get into the Disney Princesses. Well, that's when I thought I had control of what she wears. Nezzie saw the dress today and would not take it off. So we had a little modeling session and here she is posing. The whole princess thing can't be that bad if it makes her this happy, right?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

the belly

I can't believe that this is my first belly picture of this pregnancy. I am excited about this baby, but am distracted by Nezzie and life as well. Also, our camera was stolen back in March, so that is partly why this is the first belly picture.

Anyway, here I am at 30 & 1/2 weeks..."estimated deliver date" being September 24th. This baby is SO active ALL the time, too. Maybe this one is anxious to get out which could mean that this time around labor won't be as long!

Monday, July 17, 2006

my girly girl

Here's Nezzie wearing Grandma's pearl necklace, pearl bracelet & high heels. Just when I started worrying that she was liking dinosaurs and trains too much, she's put my mind at ease.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

fun with the cousins

Well Nezzie had a lot of fun with her Wihongi cousins this last week. She even got all the names down–Tainui, Tazzie, Tama, Teina, Tui, Auntie Kiki & Uncle Vaughnie. She really loved playing with everyone, which was also a nice break for me because I know that I'm not the best playmate. Especially on those days when I am so tired I will let her watch that crazy kids show "The Doodlebops" just to be able to sleep for 30 minutes! Dave and I are trying to convince her that the Doodlebops are weird though. We haven't convinced her yet.

The second picture is of Nezzie kissing Tui. I told her to give him a kiss and he didn't want to, but that didn't stop our Nezzie girl. She grabbed him anyway and planted one on him. I'm just not sure how I feel about the kissin' cousins.

Also, I have NO idea what Nezzie is doing with her hands on Tui's knees in the first picture.