the corn maze
This is a picture of Nezzie wandering in the corn maze—or, as their clever marketing people call it, The Maize.

One of the many draws of the corn maze is their giant, terrifying, alien balloon creature that their clever marketing people call The Creature. Dave took Inez through it despite her loud, kicky protests. I think he thinks that terror builds character. And that being a character architect is one of the perks of dadhood. I'm not sure why Inez didn't want to experience The Creature. It's basically a pitch black, deafening, inflatable haunted house whose entrance is a giant fanged mouth and whose exit is... a long way from the mouth. The silly girl doesn't know fun when she sees it. Or when she passes through its large intestine.

The cow-shaped barrel train was another corn maze draw.

As were the spring-mounted cartoon donkeys.

Not to mention the spring-mounted cartoon hippos (camels?) (aardvarks?).

The look on my face? "I can't feel my ears."

We ran into an cute amish midget couple on our way out. Who knew that homemade clothes could look so airbrushed?

We brought our double jogging stroller so that our pumpkins could sit back and enjoy the bone-chilling gales.

Dave took the girls down a slide in an effort to build more character, but both Inez and Gwen seemed to enjoy it, so he stopped.

...and headed over to the Jumping Pillow instead.

All sarcasm aside, it was a great day and we had a lot of fun.

Our ears, however, did not.